Our technology is based on our own method for the synthesis of Graphene Oxide, which makes it possible to use 100% of initial graphite (without waste such under-oxidized particles)
Largest Product Line of Graphene Derivatives
We are already producing 6 types of functionalized graphene derivatives, and in the near future we are planning to launch production of at least 4 more
No multilayer graphenes
Our Graphene Oxide has >90% single layer particles with sizes of 10-150 μm, which allows us to produce high quality monolayer Graphene (reduced Graphene oxide)
Flexibility of interaction and customer focus
Our main priority is customer orientation and a variety of interaction formats
Fields of Graphene derivatives application
Graphene Oxide
Graphene and Functionalized Graphenes precursor, water purification, production of membranes, sensors (gas, strain gauges, biosensors), graphene/polymer composites, catalyst carriers, biomaterials, multifunctional materials, research
Aminated Graphene
Chemoresistive biosensors and gas sensors, sensors for detecting heavy metals, targeted drug delivery, organic photovoltaics, sorbents of organic molecules, heterogeneous catalysts, graphene/polymer and graphene/ nanocarbon composites, biomaterials, research
Li-ion batteries, printed electronics, 3D printing, electrically conductive inks, catalyst carriers, flexible electronics, superhydrophobic and anti-corrosion coatings, supercapacitors, research
Carbonylated Graphene
Photoluminescent coatings, Pickering emulsions, supercapacitors, Graphene/polymer and Graphene/metal oxide composites, chemoresistive gas sensors, multifunctional materials, research
Carboxylated Graphene
Chemoresistive biosensors and gas sensors, sorbents of organic molecules and heavy metals, incl. uranium salts, conjugation of biomolecules and targeted drug delivery, supercapacitors, graphene/polymer, graphene/nanocarbon composites, catalysis, biomaterials, scientific research
Brominated Graphene
Functionalized graphenes synthesis, graphene/polymer and graphene/nanocarbon composites, catalysis, biosensors, fire-resistant composites, multifunctional materials, research