GO aqueous dispersion, С = 12 g/L, monolayer particles content >90%
GO particles size:
d90: 49.7-51.3 μm
d50: 15.7-17.4 μm
d10: 9.47-10.1 μm
Elemental composition of GO (according to elemental analysis and XPS data):
C: 62.0 ± 0.2 at.%
O: 34.7 ± 0.2 at.%
S: 0.9 ± 0.2 at.%
other impurities: <0.5 at.%
Functional composition of GO (according to XPS data):
C(sp2): 47.9 at.%
C-OH & C-O-C: 44.6 at.%
C=O: 7.2 at.%
COOH: 0.3 at.%
C/O ratio (according to XPS data): 1.8-1.9